A New Creation Boasting in the Cross

Galatians 6:11-17

Pew Bible Pg. 948


I.  Paul’s love for the Galatians is evident in his final words.


    A.  He warns them again of the Judaizers (workers of the flesh).                            vs. 12-13


    B.  Paul desires peace, mercy, and grace to be upon them.                                  vs. 16, 18, 1:3


II.  The importance of keeping the main thing the main thing.                                     vs. 14, 1:4


    A.  The world’s system cannot define us or determine our future.                    vs. 14, 2:19-20


    B.  We are a new creation.                                                                    vs. 15, II Cor. 5:13-19


III.  We must determine to follow Jesus no matter what the cost.                                    vs. 17


    A.  Our life must be defined by Jesus Christ.                                                      Phil. 1:18-25


    B.  Only then will we be truly free. 


Have I been boasting in something or someone other than Jesus and the cross?




Am I on my guard for those who would distort or water down the message of salvation?




Am I willing to pay whatever price is required to persevere until the end?

